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Light Party in Palmerston was started by a small group of adults from a local church who knew that as Christians, Halloween isn’t in line with our values. Instead of commemorating darkness, Light Party celebrates… well, Light (Jesus) 🥳

It features bouncy castles, face painting, stone painting, a bubble party, fire performances, sausage sizzle, a prayer booth, a mini concert and the light train… 💥 WOW!

This year, as Hope whānau we’re wanting to support this initiative in 2 areas: 1) Sausage sizzle 2) Pack down. 
If you’re keen on either, let us know here. Do note that pack down starts at around 9pm and might go on till late night/early morning. Fine details will be emailed to you closer to the date.

For general Light Party event updates, keep your eyes peeled on the Light Party Facebook page.

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