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We are at a decisive moment as a nation, a time when the agreement by which tangata whenua and tangata tiriti live together is being called into question. So how can we renew and deepen our understanding of the Treaty of Waitangi? What does it mean to say that the Treaty is a sacred compact, a covenant, even? And what has been the role of the Church in relation to the Treaty? What might this require now?

Historian and public theologian Dr. Alistair Reese takes up this challenge, helping us to understand how the Treaty is he tatau pounamu—a covenant pathway of reconciliation. He will consider the history and context of this foundational document, including the role of the Church in its shape and interpretation. And he will weigh, with us, how best to respond—how best to honour the Treaty now.

Location: St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 170 Willis Street, Te Aro, Wellington

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